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Chronic and Untreatable Illnesses: Hidden Causes of Dark Forces

A lot of people in this world continue to live with untreatable illnesses and chronic illnesses or conditions that cannot be cured by conventional medicine or by some psychological treatments. It is therefore possible that these ailments could be spiritual and therefore be beyond the normal medical man’s diagnosis. Sorcery uses of jinn, and the evil eye mentioned in the Quran and by the prophet in Hadith can ailing a person’s mind, body, and soul. These influences can lead to chronic and untreatable illnesses that resist all conventional treatments. The following explores the concept of chronic and untreatable illnesses through the lens of spiritual afflictions like black magic, jinn, and the evil eye.

Understanding Chronic Illnesses and Untreatable Conditions

To truly define chronic illness, it is important to consider the impact these conditions have on an individual’s life. Chronic illnesses are long-term health conditions that persist for a year or more and require ongoing medical attention or limit activities of daily living. Untreatable illnesses, on the other hand, are conditions that do not respond to traditional medical treatments and can lead to a decline in quality of life.

Often the basis of these illnesses is not always physical but rather an enhancement of these nonphysical sicknesses. Medical personnel may not even consider multiple factors including black magic, jinn, or the evil eye. Since most of these conditions are chronic and may not respond to conventional medicine, people feel they have no hope. Nevertheless, the Quran and Hadith contain some prescriptions for delivering, help concerning invocation to receive spiritual protection against such adversities.

The Existence of Black Magic and Its Effects: Quranic and Hadith Evidence

1. Black Magic in the Quran

Allah mentions the existence and impact of black magic in Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 102:

"And they followed what the devils had recited during the reign of Solomon. But Solomon did not disbelieve, rather, the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic."
(Surah Al-Baqarah: 102)

This verse clarifies that black magic is a reality, and it can have harmful effects on those who are affected by it. When a person experiences chronic and untreatable illnesses with no medical explanation, black magic could be a hidden cause.

2. Seeking Protection from Black Magic

Allah advises seeking refuge from black magic in Surah Al-Falaq, verse 4:

"And from the evil of those who blow on knots."
(Surah Al-Falaq: 4)

This guidance reminds us that seeking protection from black magic is essential for safeguarding one’s health and well-being.

The Evil Eye: A Reality

1. The Evil Eye in the Quran

Allah mentions the danger of the evil eye in Surah Al-Qalam:

"And those who disbelieve would almost strike you with their eyes when they hear the message."
(Surah Al-Qalam: 51)

This verse indicates that the evil eye is real and can cause harm to individuals, potentially leading to chronic health issues that cannot be explained medically.

2. The Evil Eye in Hadith

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) emphasized the reality of the evil eye in his teachings:

"The evil eye is real, and if anything could overtake fate, it would be the evil eye."
(Sahih Muslim: 2188)

This Hadith reinforces that the evil eye can have significant spiritual and physical consequences, potentially causing chronic and untreatable illnesses.

The Existence of Jinn and Their Effects: Quranic and Hadith Evidence

1. Jinn in the Quran

Allah says:

"And We created man from clay, and jinn from a smokeless fire."
(Surah Al-Hijr: 27)

This verse indicates that jinn were created with a different nature than humans. The influence of jinn can manifest in various ways, including the development of untreatable health issues that do not respond to medical treatment.

2. Jinn in Hadith

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

"Satan runs in the human body like blood."
(Sahih Bukhari: 2038, Sahih Muslim: 2175)

This Hadith highlights the potential for jinn to disrupt the human body, leading to untreatable illnesses that defy medical explanation.

Symptoms of Black Magic, Jinn, and the Evil Eye

Physical Symptoms

  • Persistent headaches or bodily pain that do not respond to medication.

  • Stomach burning or nausea.

  • Marks or spots on the skin.

  • Sleep disturbances or nightmares.

  • Sudden illnesses with no medical explanation.

These physical symptoms may suggest that a patient has an untreatable disease, such as a result of black magic, jinn, or the evil eye.

Mental Symptoms

  • Sudden mood changes such as anger or sadness.

  • Anxiety, fear, or restlessness.

  • Memory loss.

  • Lack of focus in worship or prayer.

When chronic illnesses are linked to these mental symptoms, it is important to seek spiritual guidance in addition to medical treatment.

When Medical and Psychological Treatment Fails

It is worse if you have gone for medical and psychological treatment and are not lucky to be improved, you should try spiritual treatment. According to the Quran and Hadith, there are remedies to get rid of the impacts of black magic, jinn, and evil eye. The persistent nature of chronic illnesses and untreatable illnesses may be connected to these hidden causes, which can only be addressed through spiritual methods.

Our Services: Black Magic Removal

  1. Diagnosis: A complete spiritual diagnosis is done to try and determine what could be wrong with you. If for instance, you have a chronic or untreatable illness that cannot be treated by conventional medical doctors, then a spiritual diagnosis will discover that this is a result of black magic, jinn, or the evil eye.

  2. Treatment: It uses Quranic verses and spiritual techniques to suppress the effects of the black magic spells, the evil eye, and the jinn. People suffering from chronic illnesses whose ailment cannot be linked to a physical ailment ordinarily recover through spiritual healing.

  3. Guidance: One of the purposes of spiritual protection is to protect one from these influences in the future. With the guidance of the Quran and Hadith, we will be able to protect you from the long-term impacts of black magic, jinn, or the effects of witchcraft.

Expert Removal of Black Magic and the Evil Eye

For your health and peace of mind, do not delay in contacting us. The hidden causes behind untreatable diseases whether black magic, jinn, or the evil eye can be solved through spiritual healing. Don’t let chronic illnesses control your life. Seek the solutions you need today.

Solutions to your problems are just a call away. Register with us today for expert removal of black magic and the evil eye, and experience relief from chronic illnesses that have no known cause.